Sunday, July 13, 2008

jockey joe talamo and such!

*Emery Jai's favorite Jockey at the moment is Joe Talamo. She calls herself Jockey Joe Talamo. She even tries to get Guice to say it. He is saying a few words but that is a at least a couple of months away, I think:).
*Emery Jai loves to get her own water from the refrigerator because she is a big girl now, according to her!
*Guice can get off of our bed all by himself now! I heard him fussing and took off running for him as usual. If I did not get there in time he would just fall off the bed. I found him crawling down the hall!
*Emery Jai will not stay in her class at church. She uses all kinds of excuses her back hurts, they are crazy, and it is too hot in there have all been used to her advantage. She likes to go to Mommy and Daddy's class (big church).
*Guice loves his class. Never cries and took a nap in a CRIB!
*Guice blows on all of his food. Even though he rarely eats anything hot. His diet mostly consists of a variety of cheese and fruit.
*Emery Jai saw a birthday party on T.V. and said "Hey, that is my party! Take me there, they are eating my cake!"
*Emery Jai is convinced that she is going to be able to color her hair once she turns 3, she would like to have pink.
*EJ loves to check her web sites. She also checks and replies to emails:).
*Guice loves to turn the computer off and bang on the key board.
*Guice can go up and down stairs by himself.
*Guice is walking more now. Taking several steps at once.
*Guice is forward facing now, he has been for several weeks. I felt so sorry for him burning up facing backwards. He is meeting all of milestones for a one year old and met the weight requirement so we decided to cheat and turn him forward facing! He loves it.
*Emery Jai likes to order for herself at restaurants. She looks at the pictures to pick out what she would like.
*EJ is a backseat driver. She likes to give directions! She will say "Go two miles then take a left and the next street."
*Emery Jai told me that NoNo and I could be her bridesmaids at her pink wedding birthday party.
*EJ has us toast our glasses before we eat, as most things, I have no clue where she got this.
*She thinks history is a bad word, she calls guyboo history.
*We were watching Dumbo, when the storks brought the babies Emery Jai was not impressed. She knew that that was not the way mommies got babies. She said "It does not work that way."
*Guice is mimicking us. He holds the phone to his ear babbles and then says bye bye. He also likes to brush his hair. But, my favorite is when he "reads" books. He holds them up and turns the pages while babbling.
I have a ton of new pics and video but I can't find my connection cord:(. Stay tuned, I am sure it will turn up!