Friday, May 9, 2008

Moms Group!

A couple of weeks ago I joined Murfreesboro Moms and I love it! All of the moms are super nice. I have to admit I was sceptical at first but I was so wrong. The group has several activities a week. I was going to do MOPS but this was a much better fit. I love having different activities each week to choose from. They range from finger painting to exercising. The days of the week vary and also the times of the events. Once a month they have a night out for moms only, that sounds like so much fun! I am just waiting for my milk monster to be able to go a few hours without me:).
Yesterday was strollercising! Because of the rain it was moved to the mall. I had so much fun. One of the hardest parts, for me, about being a full time mom is the lack of adult interaction. It is so nice to get out of the house and talk to other moms. I know the kiddo's enjoy it also! They love getting out of the house and playing with other little ones.
Here are some pics. Notice my little genie?