Sunday, March 30, 2008

8 Months!


8 months!?!?! Really?!?!? That long?!?! Where does the time go?!?!
Guice is such a big boy! He is crawling, getting into everything, his favorite place to be is Sampson's cage. Guice is pulling up. He is such a hand full. Guice has started to have fits, most often when he is put in the car seat. He arches his back and kicks his feet, he has the sweetest little fits:). He is still just signing milk, that is all he cares about so it makes it difficult to teach him anything else. Guice is driving his sister crazy by getting her babies and toys. I know this will only escalate!
He did eat today, a little, nothing significant but it is a start! Guice ate big boy food, "real" green beans and butternut squash! Guice is nursing countless times during the day and night, seriously I have no clue how much just know it is a bunch. He is demanding when he wants to nurse, Guice will have a full out fit if he doesn't get it on his time:)! I think he is getting a little boy face, he is changing so fast.
We love our little man to pieces!