Sunday, October 21, 2007

We Are Here!

We made it to Arkansas yesterday. The trip went very well. Josh took us to Memphis. Mom met us there and brought us the rest of the way. It is a very long trip but well worth it! Emery Jai is loving it. She was so happy to see NeNa! She went running for her, it was so cute! Guice was also very happy to see his NeNa. Pop got Molly out for Emery Jai first thing. All Emery wants to talk about is how Molly is hers! They are riding on the buggie as I type. Guice is taking a nap on NeNa, can anyone say spoiled? We went to church with NeNa today. Emery Jai wore her dress with horses on it. She looked beautiful. Emery Jai did very well during the service, she fell asleep in Aunt Mimi's lap. Everyone thought Guice was very handsome and a chunk. Emery Jai rode back to NeNa's with Uncle Jo Jo and Jodi Lynn. She was so excited to see them. I am taking tons of pictures that I can not wait to share. We are looking forward to a couple of busy but super fun weeks!