Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Odds & Ends

This post encompasses some of the fun and cute things that happen in my world. I have been wanting to post most of these little stories for a time now and just haven't gotten to it. Until now!
Warning: If you are a stickler for grammar punctuation or all things literary please move on to the next blog! I am simply jotting down the moments in my life so that one day I can hopefully remember them. That warning applies to most (o.k. all) of my posts!
Without further ado!
* Emery Jai was chasing after Kit Kat when I asked her why she replied, eat Kit Kat eat Kit Kat! I said Why are you going to eat Kit Kat? Emery Jai growled at me! She was pretending to be a bear! Lets all hope she was pretending to be a bear and not just being herself eating the cat. Surely she knows not to eat the cat :)?!?!?!
*Josh, Emery Jai, and I were watching T.V.. A lion befriended a wildebeest. E.J. was furious she went up to the T.V. and said Eat It! Eat It! She wanted to see the lion kill and eat the wildebeest!
(I know, I am thinking the same thing way too much Animal Channel)
*Emery Jai has learned to "lock" the bathroom door. She runs in and opens the drawer closest to the door! E.J. thinks this is hilarious! It scares me to death, what if she panics and can close the drawer?!?! Much to her delight NeNa's bathroom is the same way!
*I forgot how exciting it is to see your kid do something for the first time. When Guice rolled over I squealed, literally! I called Josh at work during lunch to tell him. I also e-mailed my Mom and Erica. Then when he rolled from his belly to his back I had to do it all again.
*Guice will stick his tongue out when someone sicks their tongue out at him. It is so cute. Emery Jai also sticks her tongue out now. It is not so cute.
*Guice rubs his eyes when he gets sleepy. When he is hungry he has the saddest little whimper.
*Guice smacks so loudly when he nurses it draws attention!
*Guice gets so excited when he knows he is about to eat! He kicks his legs like a wild man!
*Emery Jai tries to ride Guice like a horse. I try not to laugh out loud.
*Martina McBride takes her daughter to E.J.'s Gymboree class and has for 2 months. Josh just now caught on! He has been talking to her for months and never knew!
*Taylor Swift came in to his restaurant, Josh did not know who she was.
*Emery Jai pulls everything and anything off of the counters.
*Emery loves to play on the computer! She sits in the chair and types away.
*E.J.'s favorite word is no and she is not afraid to use it! She tells me no way more than I tell her :).
*Emery Jai took my phone apart and then put it back together in such away I thought I was missing a piece of it. I looked everywhere, I got out the flashlight! I stopped just short of digging in the trash. This would have been the 3rd phone she has destroyed! But I fixed it, kind of!
*Emery Jai loves two people she doesn't remember meeting Sarah Huckabee and Jeremiah. Jeremiah works with Josh and Erica works with Sarah. Emery named her pink teddy bear Jeremiah! She says his name very clear.
*Every night she has to tell EVERYONE she has ever met bye bye. This takes forever. She also tells her tee tee and poo poo bye bye when she pottys.
*E.J. has memorized parts of books. She can fill in the words! She says she is reading!
*Emery Jai can answer simple questions about what is/has gone on in a story we are reading. She loves to read!
*Emery Jai has used her hurt toe story to con NeNa out of a new pair of winterized crocs!
*Guice was laying a blanket in the floor. Emery Jai ran up to it and started shaking the edges, singing shake shake shake!
*If Emery Jai gets half a second she will try to pick Guice up. Guice has started to yell when he hears her voice! He is a smart little man!
*She still calls him Guyboo, everyone else including me does too!
*Emery Jai is a very wild sleeper! She will wake you up in the middle of the night to have you rub her feet and/or her back.
*Emery Jai likes to take showers like a big girl!
*Guice loves to take baths with me, he can float (with my help) around in the water! He splashes and laughs!