Friday, October 12, 2007

Fun Link!

I hate to admit this but I must. I am not at all in touch with what is going on in the world around me. This is very disturbing to me, just a few short years ago I was a very well informed human. I could carry on intelligent conversations about things other than child rearing. But the years of gestating and lactating have taken their toll. It comes down to I do not take/make time to be in the know. I am making an effort to become re-informed, it is almost like coming out of a cave. Granted I am not as versed in politics as I would like to or need to be. That leads me to the link. It is great. You take the quiz and the site matches you with the candidate that best fits you! It is ingenues :)!

Vote Match Quiz

in case you missed it the post was written in mostly a sarcastic tone!