Saturday, August 4, 2007

Guice's Appointment

Guice checked out great!! He is doing wonderfully! He is nursing great and has the diapers to prove it! But we will not be going back to that clinic, it was terrible. How hard is it to find a good Pediatrician??? First there was not a infant/newborn waiting room, or even a well child waiting room. So we were surrounded by snotty sick kids. I almost left right then, I should have. Guice gets called back, nothing eventful happens until we are asked to go to the lab. They wanted to draw blood, he looked a little yellow. Anyway when the nurse came in to show us the way to the lab, I was breastfeeding. She asked if I wanted to finish, I said I was fine I could walk and nurse Guice. We were lead to another smaller waiting room. When we reached the door the nurse opened another door pulled out a chair and placed it at the end of the hall. She then looked at me and said, I quote "You can sit out here so you don't bother anyone". Bother anyone?!?!?!?! If me feeding my child is in someway unsettling to someone THEY are more than welcome to sit outside! To be treated that way at a Doctors office! I was/am beyond mad. Anyway Josh wrote a very heated email to Vanderbilt and we are in the process of finding yet another Pediatrician. I have yet to figure out the big deal about breastfeeding in public. I cover up, but even if I didn't I don't see the problem. Why is seeing a women use her breast for what they were designed for an issue. It is outrageous! This is just another example of why women feel the need to bottle feed in public or hide out in a bathroom. I am just amazed that in this day and time its an issue for anyone especially a "medical professional".