Thursday, August 2, 2007

Baby Pic's

I just wanted to post new pics of Guice. We have no idea who he looks like! He looks completely different today. Of course we think he is the most beautiful/handsome little boy ever! Emery Jai is loving him! It is going much better than anticipated. She wants to hold him all of the time and can not give him enough kisses. She loves being able to help me pick out clothes and get diapers for him. E.J. is such a good helper. She does want to wear his clothes, that presents a small problem. But all things considered she is doing remarkable! I have to say having two kids is a whole new ball game! But we are loving every second of it and would not have it any other way! Josh goes back to work on Saturday, NeNa is coming down to stay for a while. If all goes well the kids and I are coming back to Arkansas to stay for a while. I am excited for everyone to see Emery Jai and Guice.
I want to say thank you to everyone for all calls and emails!
I am working on returning them, it might take a while.
He sleeps a lot!

One of the few pics he has his eyes open!
Profile shot!
E.J. giving loves!