Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Midwife Appointment

Most importantly Guice is doing very well, heart rate sounded great and he is growing. Other than that their isn't much to report. Everyone in the office laughs out loud when they see my belly, I have to admit it is a little humorous. I have dilated and thinned out more, which is wonderful. I turned down an ultrasound for reasons I have already expressed. I just hope things progress naturally, and I do not have to be induced. Linda seems to think this might have been my last office visit, I on the other hand am not holding my breath :). It would be wonderful if I did go into labor in the next couple of days while Emery Jai is with her Grandparents. That is a source of anxiety for me. We do not have anyone here to keep her. It takes my Parents at least 6 hours to make the trip. So as you can imagine the situation is a bit stressful. I am just praying everything works out the way we hope it will, and if not at least it will make for a great story!