Monday, July 23, 2007

Big Sis T's

When we found out we were expecting number two Erica made us the sweetest shirt for Emery Jai. Emery Jai wore it to Thanksgiving, everyone was so very shocked. It was such a neat way for us to announce the upcoming event. So while Erica was here last weekend she made one for the monkey to wear to the hospital. I can not believe what a difference 9 months has made! I remember thinking when I saw those 2 pink lines, what in the world I am I going to do with two babies!! Over the last several months it has become quite clear I will not have two babies, I will have one precious baby boy and one amazing little girl. Emery Jai is so big now. I can not believe the change.

Thanksgiving 2006!
Big Sis To Be!
Big Sister!
I can't wait until she gets to put it on!

Thanks Erica for making the shirts!