Saturday, May 12, 2007

Kit Kat

I think I have mentioned how much Emery Jai loves loves loves Kit Kat. Kit Kat is Emery Jai's number one concerned from the time she wakes up to the time she goes to bed. Emery Jai ask/talks about her constantly. We will be in Target and Emery Jai will start calling Kit Kat, as if shes going to come from around the corner. If we are at home Emery Jai needs to know of Kit Kats where abouts every second. In saying all of that I need to mention that Kit Kat is seriously antisocial. She only likes Pop, thats it. Kit Kat will not go to anyone else. So Kit Kat is less than thrilled with the attention that Emery shows her.
The funniest thing is that Emery Jai doesn't get that shes a cat, Emery wants her to play games with her. A couple of months ago Emery started trying to get Kit Kat to play peek a boo. Emery gets frustrated when Kit Kat does not play right. Emery Jai chased Kit Kat around trying to take her temperature, that was hilarious. So her are some pics of Emery Jai trying to read to and play ball with the cat! Its so funny, for everyone but Kit Kat.