Tuesday, May 8, 2007

27 Weeks 6 Days!

Time is flying by, less than 10 weeks until Finn is full term! Everything is going well. I am having some crazy cravings sausage, mamwich, olives (the big green ones), cheese, and onions! It is so very gross, but I can not help myself! I am STARVING almost all of the time, I am trying to resist the urge to eat a meal every 2-3 hours! Finn is moving a ton, it is time to start playing "what is that bump". He is kicking very hard. I don't think he is head down yet, Emery Jai did not turn until she was 34-36 weeks. Honestly after the birth/labor of Emery Jai a c-section does not sound as terrible as it use to.

We can not wait to meet Finnley!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 27:fetus in seventh month Your not-so-tiny-anymore swimmer (2 pounds and about 14.5 inches long!) is slowly rotating in preparation to “head out.” Obviously, this doesn’t happen overnight, but when you start to feel an unfamiliar pressure on your cervix, you’ll know you’ve got a fully flipped baby locked and loaded for the countdown to their birthday! Even now, at the beginning of the third trimester, their little lungs are already capable of breathing air, while the pulmonary vascular system can provide sufficient gas exchange, and the central nervous system can generally regulate rhythmic breathing as well as their basal body temperature. For what it’s worth, at this point in a healthy pregnancy a premature child (with intensive care) could easily win on the show: “Survivor: The Early Years.”