Sunday, August 31, 2014

Wynn turns one!

NeNa & Pop came in to celebrate this little guys first birthday! He is such a joy! 
A few birthday facts:  he is not walking, crawls like a beast though! He walks while pushing toys, so anytime now.  He has never had a bottle, and yes is "still" nursing.  He says Momma, Boob, Dadda, Nena, & Bub. He bites, hits, & scratches to get what he wants.  Wynn loves animals.  He is super smiley, such a happy boy! He wears 24 month clothing. Has been super healthy! Not sure if his weight, I would guess 25 lbs. 
He sleeps with us in the bed, he gets so excited to go to bed! 
Wynn Herring Anderson, we love you so much & are beyond thankful God gave us you!