Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Early morning thoughts....

It's all coming together, we are where we have dreamed and prayed of being. When we moved to tiny town people thought we were nuts.  A few times, okay 47, we have agreed. We have moved away once, just to move back.  Several times we have entertained the idea of moving.  Most recent, we even applied for jobs elsewhere.  Josh immediately received call backs, interviews, and such.  We were tierd and done. A few months or so in we prayed a very simple prayer together, "God open the doors that need to be open, close the rest."  Honestly hoping we would still move.  We went from receiving 3~5 leads on Jobs a day to zero.  That instant.  Josh had even had an interview on site very promising, they never called him back. God made it very clear, yet again this is where we are called.
We bought a house, took the plunge.  It is a fantastic cottage with a ton of character.  Yellow with ivy.  Perfect.  If I told your the square footage, you would be shocked at how small.  It's cool we love each other, and have plans to expand at some point.   The most amazing news however, is that we were asked to be Children's Pastors! We are thrilled.  We are so thankful.  This fall we will have lived here 6 years.  We have made some huge mistakes in that 6 years, spiritually, personally, and such.  However, we have ultimately been beyond blessed.
Feeling content, blessed, humbled, thankful, amazed, and the list goes on.