Sunday, May 18, 2014

This, that, & whatever else...

We are home from church with Wynn, he is under the weather.  I am in love with our church.  I feel so blessed to be a part of something so awesome.  We picked up our family and moved to be a part of it.  It has been a long, wild, ride but we are finally where we intended to be....kinda.
Today will be spent snuggling a sweet baby and praying, pouring over, researching homeschool curricula.  Almost went with an online program, but a timely reminder put a quick stop to that.  I love Heart of  Dakota, looking to add and refine a little.  One, of the many, w onderful aspects of homeschooling, finding an amazing curriculum that works for MY kids!  We are schooling thru the summer, I really enjoy it, most days :). 
I am in the process of a major declutter, down size, purge in my home. Thanks in part to the book Seven. It is eye opening! 
We are in the process of hatching peacocks or peahonks according to Evergrace.  Should be an awesome adventure! 
That about sums up my day, add in some menu planning and a healthy dose of Pinterest!


Lindsay said...

What a perfect day, and moment in your life, to remember and cherish forever!