Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Happy two months and some change Mr. Wynn!

Wynn is such happy content little man!  He loves to be cuddled, nursed, and held!  I ordered a new ring sling from Willow Tree Slings, I love it!  It is the perfect fabric, length, and width.  Wynn is also a fan.  Wynn had a bit of a cold last week, thankfully he recovered quickly!  His two month check up went well, he is perfect which we already knew ;).  I never know the answer to all the how many times does he nurse and for how long, who has time to track that!?!  Also, some of the best breastfeeding advice I ever received  was when Emery Jai was a nursling.  It is very simple, do not watch the clock, do not count how many times you nurse at night.  Easy peasy.  Seriously, I have no clue.  It helps that we bed share (cosleeping now refers to baby in room but in their own bed).  We didn't put up a crib, or even own a crib.  During the day he naps in his swing.   Wynn can roll over, hold his head up, follow to the midline, and do long division.   He wakes up every morning at 4:50 on the dot.  He wants out of the bed!  I'm naturally an early riser, so it is perfect.  Wynn & I get some alone time with God before the others roll out.  Wynn mostly is called the baby, I believe it is because we called him that for 9 months not by a name.  Old habits die hard.  Nicknames are in the works, so far we have Winnie The Pooh (yep, hard not to go there), Brother Bear, and Fat Man.  Wynn takes a bink on occasion, first of five who will.  I tried with Hollis but it never really took.  

Here is our little worshiper! 


Lindsay said...

"do long division" love it.

P.S. The best advice I've every got on nursing "if they're hungry, feed them!".

:D I mean, really, they've been hooked up on food IV for the past nine months...no wonder they want to eat all the time.