Saturday, January 26, 2013

Emery Jai is SEVEN!

Our super amazing firstborn turned seven!  Where on earth does time go?  I can close my eyes and remember every detail of her TWO day birth (yes, I will always bring up the length of her labor :)). Emery Jai is working diligently building a relationship with Christ.  I was very worried she was too young to "get it", she really does.  I am so excited for her!  I truly believe that salvation is the most important thing that happens, everything else is just bonus.  She is super loving and working on controlling emotions (are we not all).    EJ is crazy smart.  Honestly.  She has perfect grades in school!  Yep, I am bragging.  She loves art and excels at it, she attends the local art studio for lessons.  She was also taking  Jujitsu, she rocks it!  Let's just say the girl has an aggressive side!  She will start back in a couple of months once things slow down a bit. 
Favorite Bible verse: John 3:16
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Chicken & Dumplin's
What she wants to be when she grows up: Artist
Best Friend: Jesus