Saturday, September 1, 2012

LOTS going on.....

That title might be the understatement of the YEAR!  Ever is three, Guice is five,Emery Jai started (and is rocking) the first grade and we are expecting number FIVE! Each of these deserve a post of their own!  The thing is we are so very busy!  I am still is very much a love-hate relationship.  Just to give you a peek into our week Monday night leadership with our church, Tuesday night Jui Jitsu, Wednesday night church, Thursday Jui Jitsu,  Friday and Saturday nights are FREE!  Sunday is church all day long!  I really want to get back into the swing of blogging......hopefully soon!!  Stay tuned, I know I say this every 3 months but for real this time! lol!
P.S. Just to let you know how crazy I am....this post originally contained the words "Hollis turned two".  Prayers appreciated :)!