Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Open House!

EJ had her kindergarten open house, where is my little girl?!?! It went great! I really really LOVE her teacher! EJ didn't want to go at first because NeNa was watching the other ones for me and she wanted to stay home with her. We finally got her talked into going :). I was under (the wrong) impression that we would just show up see the classroom and leave. Nope. There was a whole presentation! Which basically boils down to....Kindergarten is serious business (not at all like when we went), they will have home work, we must help our kid everyday or they will get behind, if they do not know letters, how to write their name, number and such they are already behind. YIKES! The school she goes to is rolling out a brand new curriculum this year, the teachers made the point (more than once) that it is not an easy one. I am excited about it! EJ is going to do awesome! She is very bright and will not have any problems! I, on the other hand, am freakin out about having to keep up with the daily folder and all that jazz:)! Looking forward to this new and extremely exciting chapter! We are parents to a school aged kid! Aren't we a little young for all that :)! LOL!

*I didn't get any pics because EJ told me it wasn't allowed....