Tuesday, August 2, 2011

i took a little vaca

It wasn't to a remote beach or any where equally majestic and I didn't spend my days shopping or exploring but it was a vacation none the less, even if it was to a mental ward :). I went to work for the week! NeNa & Josh took shifts with EJ, G, EG, and I took H with me. I couldn't have done it without my parents helping with the older kiddos! A family from our old church took care of Hollister, they spoiled him rotten! I might get my SAHM card revoked for this, BUT it was nice to get out of the house and WORK! For me, the hardest thing about staying home is not the one income it is being home day after day. It was fantastic to feel like I was making a difference (yes, I know I am raising kids the best job ever blah blah blah :)). I filled in as the Activity Therapist for a Geriatric Psychiatric unit. I absolutely LOVED it! Okay, now sit down and take a deep breath, ready....I didn't feel guilty or miss my children to the point of tears! There I admit it! It was fun & just what I needed!


Lindsay said...

I love every word of this stinkin post!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you girl! Even with one child some days I think, MAN a break would be nice! A lunch break too! Something just for me! Something that I accomplished that didn't involve poop or a conversation with another adult. I'm glad you had a good day!