Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hillbilly handfishin & Such!

Tidbits that I hope to never forget! After all, these are the best days of my life! I work, although hardly ever, in a Geriatric Psychiatric unit. Ever single one of my sweet patients tell me these are the days I will miss, I whole heartily agree!
*Boo is obsessed with Hillbilly Hand fishing. It is by far his favorite show, not that he watches much T.V.:). He can't wait to get to go. Boo wants to ride his motorcycle there. G is going to make me gray headed.
*EG is too funny! She loves to wear dresses and is super prissy. She will prance around in front of people until they tell her she is pretty.
*EG calls H baby Saul.
*EJ seems to mature daily, not exaggerating at all.
*She loves all things bright and sparkly! Emery Jai has serious opinions on her hair, her clothes, everything!
*Guice is our little super hero! He pretend flies around Wal-Mart.
*EG claws Boo & EJ's faces off. Yes, you read that right. The nickname Dragon was hard earned.
*EJ announced to everyone at kindergarten open house that her mommy said "school lunches are pure junk and buses are death traps". I wanted to d-i-e!
*Boo & EJ are now allowed to play games on my computer. It amazes me how quickly kids pick up new things!


Lindsay said...

The comment on busses and school lunches belongs in a novel!!!!