Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Because what I really need is another ticker...

After much deliberation and contemplation I am gonna do it! I am posting my weight loss ticker! Yes, it is that big of deal for me. Thanks for asking. I have little less than a ton to drop and hoping to be skinny(er) by fall. I have done okay since having Hollis but need a bit of accountability. Hence posting my ticker for all to see. It was this or pay $12 a week to be publicly weighed at Weight Watchers. What can I say, I am cheap. No real secret fix here just plan on burning more calories than I take in. Not exactly revolutionary. I have joined THIS site to keep me honest(er) (yep, I know it isn't a word but thought it was funny. You are entitled to your opinion:)). Catch a glimpse of my sweet new ticker, hopefully it won't look the same way twice, please try not to look more than once a week :)!


The Anderson family said...

Go Jess! accountability is everything! you can do it!!

Lindsay said...

I'm laughing out loud. How many calories did I just burn? Mine will be up within 24 years.

Did I just say years? I meant hours....

This is hard for me.