Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pics of Hollis Timothy's Birth!!

I am working on his birth story, it is SUPER long and nothing went as planed. You can see from the pics I was in stirrups, I also had an epidural at 8 cms, and a dose of Demerol. It wasn't at all how I thought it would go. I was in labor forever and a day. Also, he was transverse so I started off the day with Dr. R preforming an unmediated version. He usually gives mom's something to relax them. I thought I would have him in my arms by 2, he didn't make his grand appearance until just after 9:30 p.m.! Lastly, he was OP and only tolerated certain positions. At one point they had me flat on my back with my feet elevated above my head. Good times with no pain meds and tons of pitocin. It was a hard, long labor. Josh was by my side every second. Also, My mom, mother in law, and Summar my sister in law stayed at the hospital all day long.
The nurse trying to take the baby......I wasn't done yet! HA!!
I am checking out the bump on his head:)! It went down overnight! It was from his wonky position in the birth canal.

First glimpse of our peanut:)!

I couldn't have done it without my AMAZING husband!


The Flores' said...

Both of my girls were OP - Lily Kate had a huge jelly-like bump on her head too when she was born! Makes for such a long hard labor!! I sat/laid/pushed in every position possible with her. Glad ya'll had a safe delivery - Hollis is cute, just like his big brother and sisters :o)

Lindsay said...

Oh man, sign me up for a c-section, dude. I am in awe of you all natural women. Not enough to join your club though! I'm sad I wasn't there. Next time.