Monday, October 4, 2010

16 Week Appt!

I have switched providers for this pregnancy so I had another check up today! I would go everyday to hear that sweet heart beat:). I almost ordered a doppler but then decided I would drive myself crazy with it, so I didn't or at least not yet:)! I really like my new OB so far, Dr. R, he is super nice. I know him from outside the office and was a bit hesitant to use him because of it. However, all our friends use him and love him. I can see why now! He is super professional and spends tons of time going over everything with you! Very very nice. I think I am going to very happy with the change! Our little one sounded great hear rate was 156. My blood pressure was 110/70. The biggest news is our anatomy scan is scheduled for the 26TH! We are looking forward to seeing if our $35 Internet investment was right or if we need to scrap our boys name and get started on a girl one:)!