Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Back on the wagon...

Or, I guess off the wagon, depending on which camp you're in. We decided to homeschool a while back. Much earlier than our public announcement. Recently, we decided on sending EJ and possibly G to preschool. We have returned to our original decision to homeschool...clear as mud? Just a little note to say we are once again and for sure going to homeschool! We are so excited about it and I am very excited that my best friend is homeschooling so I can look over all her lesson plans and compare them to mine....okay okay I am just going to copy hers! HA! I love the idea of choosing what curriculum I want MY children to learn. I have tons of choices, just so happens one of the best is Lindsay's! Other bloggers covered the "why homeschool" topic and did a far better job than I could possibly do so click here, here, or here even here ***if you care to read about why homeschooling is OUR choice for OUR children:) !
***I do not agree with every single word in some of these post but with the majority of it....enough of it not to write my own post:)!


Lindsay said...

hahaha. call me!!! I'm already awake. reading links. thnks!!!