Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To the movies (and everywhere else) we go....

I took the kiddos to watch how to train your dragon Friday & Saturday night! The movie had a slight hiccup on Friday so we left a bit early, we watched it in full Saturday night which explains the two nights in a row cinema! EJ, G, & E were excellent! I took them by myself and it went very smoothly! It surprises most people that I do so much alone with the kids I grocery shop, take them to doctor visits and trips to the post office. I rarely have anyone watch them while I am out and about. It is not easy but I think it is great for them. It teaches them to behave and also gives us an opportunity to talk about tons of new things! EJ & G learned all about germs at one of my prenatal visits. While I use to think it would be nice to drop the kids off at mom's day out or at the grandparents house while I ran errands I have decided to be very optimistic and look at the positive:)! I have never had those options anyway, kids never went to mdo or preschool and until now we lived 7 hours away from our closest family. So, life lessons it is:)!

Yes, our movie theater is really this small!!! the parking lot is DIRT! can you believe it?!?!?!?


Nic said...

My Word the kids are getting so big!! and of course adorable!

Lindsay said...

I don't know how you do it. I think it kills me everytime I have to run errands and get just ONE kids in and out of carseats seventeen times!!