Sunday, March 28, 2010

This & That!

in the most random order imaginable.......
*Evergrace is pulling up!
*Emery Jai introduced herself as Princess Emery Jai at a birthday party last weekend. She was completely serious.
*Guice has gotten in a very bad but way funny habit of saying things along the lines of "Get me that toy or I will throw out all your groceries" and "Take me outside or I will pee on your couch"
*EJ & G both want the old furniture back....we don't let them eat on the new:)!
*Guice told Josh to buy him a new snake because he loved him.
*I have lost all the weight I gained with E and with G still working on the EJ lbs:)!
*We are using cloth diapers 100% of the time now. I was using disposable at night we made the switch about two weeks ago and it has been great!
*EJ has her first tball practice on Friday she is very excited! I think G is going to flip out when he doesn't get to play.
*Homeschool is going great. We took a week off but are starting full force on Monday! Still planning a full post on curriculum and such.
*Josh joined the gym and is really enjoying working out.
*We are loving the new church. The youth group is growing almost weekly! Praise God!
*Emery Jai is having an issue with the truth. As in telling it. I asked her to go get Tylenol for Guice. She brought it to me empty, when I questioned her about it she responded that she had no idea where it went, it melted into thin air.
*We have been playing at the park a ton and enjoying play dates! The kids love meeting their friends.
*Gluten/dairy free is going great! We have had a couple of slips, the kiddos went to a birthday party I couldn't tell them they could not eat cake. It is much easier than I ever expected! We, kiddos included (Evergrace excluded:) lost weight.
*Emery Jai & Guice are practicing a song to sing at church. EJ wanted to sing Something Beautiful but I talked her in to This Little Light Of Mine :)!
*I trying to go sort all my old pictures and print them. Guice & EJ were looking at some and G asked "Where are all my baby pictures?" Oops! As a last child I feel his pain:)! I am also working on getting my blog turned into a book. This is honestly my baby/scrap book. If it was lost I would be devastated!
*One afternoon at the park there was a duck that had died. I told EJ that it was sleeping, she said "Umm mom is it sleeping or is it dead?"
*Guice calls long sleeves down sleeve and short sleeves up sleeves.