Tuesday, March 30, 2010

8 Months!

Evergrace is such a little handful! Josh & I are in agreement that she is our most rotten child! She LOVES to be held and walked around, no just sitting in your lap. This child needs to be entertained! It doesn't help that her older siblings indulge her every whim. When E yells they come running. If she fusses the tinniest bit they want me to pick her up. Last night she did not want to sit in her highchair. She prefers me to hold her and she eats off the tray. Anyway, Guice told me that I was hurting her legs and to stop and just hold her! She loves her bath but is not a fan of getting her hair washed. EJ & G supervise to make sure I don't get water in her eyes! It is not me that is spoiling her, OK, it isn't just me:)!

*She isn't really crawling just kind of.....super hard to learn to crawl when someone is always holding you!
*She says Dada. She will not say mama for love or money.
*E is eating wonderfully!
*She has SEVEN teeth. She cut 5 in one weekend!
*She loves being carried in the moby wrap hates the sling, she bites me when I make her ride in it.
*Yes, she bites. A LOT! Not just me, she has bitten Guyboo.
*Evergrace is super loud.
*The moment her bottom touches the floor she hollers and screams and kicks. Zero to one hundred in under 60 seconds. It stops as quickly as it starts the moment she is rescued.
*She doesn't sleep all night. Still nurses around 3-5 times. When she is ready for me to roll her over she throws her arm over her head and arches her back. It is her signature move. She can so roll over but will not at night! Queen B waits until I do it for her!
*She can pull up.
*Likes her sippy cup but loves drinking out of my water bottle.
*Hasn't had a baby bottle or formula and I have no plans on giving her any.
*Puts up a fight when EJ or G try to take what she is playing with.
*Takes one big nap a day about 2 hours.
*Walks when I hold her hands and help.