Sunday, January 31, 2010

Moby Wrap..... i am NOT a fan. There I said it. I ordered one because miss priss loves to face out which is not at all possible in a sling. I am a hardcore ring sling fan, must have rings! But, nosey rosy has to face out and the only option (other than a hideous back pack carrier things that I refuse to wear:)) is a moby wrap. First issue, you can't (or at least I can't) hold the baby and put it on. Also, it is one L-O-N-G piece of fabric. I am guessing 12 ft. So it must touch the floor, ewww. I have to put it on before I leave the house. There are several steps to getting the thing on. It covers all your shirt, this could be a plus now that I think about it:). Anyway E LOVES it. And she is now forward I guess it is worth it. But I prefer my sling any day over the wrap. I do think it is way cute, I got the tattoo wrapped in love design!


Lindsay said...

It looks so neat! Wrap me up!!! :)

The Flores' said...

I love my Moby wrap (Isabelle does too)! I always put mine on before I leave the house if I think I am going to need it while I am out (know whatcha mean about it touching the floor, but I trust my own lol). It has definitely been my sanity, and I think it is so comfortable to wear - hope you warm up to yours, if not, just ship it to Houston :o) I love the color of yours, I ordered black so that Ricky could wear it too, but it is almost always me wearing her lol!