Thursday, September 17, 2009


A couple of weeks ago we attended the Polk county fair! It was our first year, we had a blast! The kids absolutely loved it. We went with our friends the Jones'. Emery Jai & Guice love their kids so much. Brianna is wonderful with them! Best part is she and her friend rode all the rides with EJ & G ! EJ loved the rides she rode EVERYTHING!! G was not a huge fan but would not let go of his girlfriend, BB's hand:)! So he rode every single ride and I think hated every second, well other than hanging on to BB! That is until he walked through a fun house and had to go down a slide to get down. He flipped mid slide! That was his last ride for the night! He told everyone about bumping his noggin:)! He stuck very close to Mommy after that! I was glad to have him back, I am not ready to share just yet:)! EJ did not say 3 words to me all night, she was hangin' with the big girls! She is just 3 and already way too cool for mom!
Evergrace & Brenda! Check out E's monkey hair! It sticks straight up! End of the night worn smooth out!!

Meeting Smokey!

This is the ride that did G in!

Riding with his girlfriend BB!


EJ, G, Sidney, & Brianna!

G when we first arrived! All he could do was turn in circles and say "WOW!"