Friday, July 17, 2009

38 weeks!

I have to be honest, I feel miserable! I am so ready! You know all that stuff I said about going into labor naturally? Scratch it! At this point I would buy pitocin off the black market! I am so ready! I am not having any signs of labor or anything happening anytime soon. Yes, I know my water could break at any time or the contractions could start but I am not holding my breath! I am doing my best to stay positive, it just is not working this morning. I am very grateful for this pregnancy, but like any good thing ready for it to come to an end:)! I can't wait to see and hold this little one! I am still in shock that she has hair! Everything is just about ready. I need to work on my birth plan some more. All I really have to do is cut and paste Guice's, I guess I should take out the no circumcision part that might be a little confusing. We have not finalized plans for the hospital as far as the visitor situation. With our two previous babies we only had my mom & dad there. Dad was not there for G, he was taking care of EJ. They were there a very limited amount. They stayed only about 1 hr after birth if that and did not come back the next day. I know Mom & Dad will be coming in to take care of the kiddo's. At this point we are leaning towards having visitors after the birth but that is not concrete at this point. It really depends on how we are feeling and how the labor goes. Plus, I will admit it, I am a baby hog! I want to hold her constantly! That bonding time is so important to me. I am not a fan of passing the baby around, there I said it. I just want to hold her! Also, it is crucial time for breastfeeding, which I will most definitely be doing in case you were wondering:)! So, basically we are not sure about visitors we still have details to work out. Other than that we are good to go! Well, that and we need to pack bags, install the car seat, get a going home almost:)!

We ordered this co sleeper cocoon for Evergrace! It is MiMi's gift for her newest grandchild! I hope she likes it and sleep all night in it:)! A little bit about our monkey!

She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb. Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old.

okay, i am laughing about the 6.8 lb part! But, you never know, she could be a tiny one. Hopefully we will find out soon!