Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Emery Jai.....

I haven't shared some of the hilarious things that EJ does or says in a while. I think it is about time!
*Emery Jai likes to pretend to smoke cigarettes. Thank you Disney! We watched 101 Dalmatian's one time and she bam was a pack a day smoker! She pretends with straws or whatever is on hand. I can't blame this entirely on Walt. A few months ago out of the blue she started saying "When I was a boy, I smoked cigarettes". What in the world?
*She insists the baby WILL be a girl. And, that she will hold my hand when the baby comes out! Not so sure about that......
*EJ runs in while I was taking a shower and says "I have a huge problem, really it is very big!" I start panicking about that time she says "My finger nails are not painted at all! Can you fix that?" Drama queen? I think so!
*Emery Jai is obsessed with princess's...I staved this off as long as I could. Personally I am not a big fan. I would rather my child be interested in something with more substance. Not just a girl who lives in a castle and wears cute clothes and basically does nothing but be rescued by a man. Anyway that is a whole other blog post:). If I ask EJ to do something she will say "But, I can't I am a princess and I just sit around in a big castle all day."
*She changes her name to Bella everyday. G even calls her Bella when she tells him too!
*Today is NeNa's birthday and EJ is refusing to go eat until someone buys her a gift! She is very envious of other people's birthdays, very.
There really is so much much more but my little ones are waking up!