Thursday, January 15, 2009

All About The Kiddo's!

This post is long overdue! It is about all the super cute things my kids are doing at the moment! Enjoy!

*EJ is all about pink! Anything pink and she loves it.
*EJ likes to pick out (super expensive by the way:) clothes out of catalogs/magazines. She also loves all the accessories.
*Guice LOVES to read. He loves horse magazines, books, really any and everything someone will read to him.
*Emery Jai is very much into being in her words a woman. She ask when she will be a woman. EJ will say "I am a woman today!"
*G loves all fruit! He eats around 3 bananas and 2-4 apples a day. He really likes strawberries and will eat a whole carton.
*G's vocabulary has really taken off. He says a ton of stuff. He communicates very well. Some of his newest words are gorilla, lip gloss, sun glasses, chicken, brown, purple, Emery Jai, bible, goose, and so many many more!
*Sharing is a constant battle at our house. It drives me nuts! As soon as one kid is doing something the other has to jump in.
*EJ was the star of the Christmas program at church! She wanted to be on stage every single second. She even danced all by herself while the puppets were preforming. She is fearless!
*EJ is super excited about her little sister (no we don't know for sure but she is convinced). If I suggest it could be a boy she flips out.
*Guice calls horses buck-bucks. Remember when EJ called them MeMe's? He tries to ride pirate, poor cat!
*EJ likes to use words like disappointed, beyond, thrilled, and much more.
*EJ had her first round of Antibiotics last week. I was so sad. She had and ear infection that almost burst!
*Emery Jai and I have always said I love you to the _____. And we go on and on with that. She stumped me the other day. She said I love you all the way to Jesus!
*EJ & G love to pray. After the prayer G yells yea Jesus!
*They both love praise and worship music. EJ and Guice clap, sing, and raise their hands.
*EJ names everything Jackson. She loves the name.
*G has started potty training but not officially. We are going to go %100 while EJ is in California with NeNa. Right now he is very intersted, Guice will ask to go tee tee in the potty some of the time. He has tee teed in the potty several times and pooped. I am so hoping it will be as smooth as EJ!
I know I am forgetting things but that will have to do for now!