Friday, August 1, 2008

He is one!

Birthday Boy!

We had a wonderful time celebrating Guice's very first year! I have to admit, I shed more than a couple of tears on his birthday and the days leading up to it:). Why are the days so long but the years heartbreakingly short? I love that he is growing up, I really look forward to all that is to come. I just wish it did not happen, seemingly, overnight.
It has been such a wonderful year! Guice is doing all sorts of things. He does something new almost daily. He can tell you what sound cow and horse make. Guice can point to his hair and to his nose. He says a ton of words (and yes, I have witnesses:)) including balloon, giddy up and popcorn. He has been extremely healthy. In fact the only Dr. appointments we have had are for check ups! He hasn't so much as had Tylenol! We are so blessed. I could go on for days about my little one and how enthralled I am! Moving on...... I took Guice to his one year and he is great! Dr. H was impressed with all of his tricks:). Guice was a good boy and preformed on cue:)! Guice weighs in at 28.4 lbs and is 32 inches tall! His head circumference is 50 cm.! He is still topping the charts.