Monday, June 30, 2008

11 Months!

Guice is 11 months today! He keeps us constantly on our toes. His language development has really taken off in this past month he now says: Momma, Dadda, NoNo (as in Erica), No (as in stop), NeNa, back back back, Monday, Uh-oh, and Bye bye. He is taking more steps but is not really walking yet. He can stand up in the middle of the floor by himself and take a couple of steps, so not long now. Anytime Spider Man is mentioned he throws webs like a mad man! He can also do the more conventional tricks like kisses, high fives, and blowing kisses. He can follow directions (when HE is in the mood, Guice is no dancing monkey:) like "put the ball in the box" or "spit that out" and of course "put that down". Guice is a little boy trapped in a baby's body. He wants so bad to be able to do everything EJ does. And that leads to his most impressive talent, fits! He can throw a biting, kicking, pinching, clawing fit to the likes you haven't seen! G's favorite thing in the whole world right now is (still) nursing. He is eating so well (he is weighing in at over 28 lbs) but is not easing up at all on breastfeeding:).

To commemorate his 11 months of being here, a pic of him and his most favorite activity!!


Anonymous said...

Sweet pic! You go Guice!!! You are an awesome mommy, Jess. I love you and am proud.
