Tuesday, April 8, 2008


*Today Emery Jai changed her name to Little People Big World, no that is not a joke!
*Guice is not really eating and has yet to take a bottle. Needless to say he is such a momma's boy. He can be playing by himself and as soon as I walk into the room he needs me, it is sweet and aggravating at the same time!
*I joined a moms group, my first meeting is this Saturday. Stay tuned for details.
*I have all the paint colors picked out and cannot wait until everything is painted. I am secretly hoping that I will wake up and the walls will be mysteriously painted! If you like to paint (or can put in flooring or lighting or know anything about landscaping or plumbing or those shower/tub install cover thingamagigers) this is a wonderful time to visit!
*Josh has lost 15 lbs, I haven't thanks for asking! Seriously, I am hungry all of the time. It takes a lot to exclusively breastfeed a 23 pound, crawling, pulling up, stair climbing, constantly on the go little boy!
*While in a very busy store Emery Jai said Oh my God! She would not stop saying it! I tried to ignore but she was gathering looks, I simply said We do not say that. Emery Jai said "Mom you say that all the time!" I wanted to crawl in a hole.
*While at the same store she had a huge fit for a bicycle, not a little tricycle, an actual bicycle. When I told her she was to little she said she would ask NeNa, she did and NeNa is buying her one her next visit.
*To give Guice a bath I have to get in with him, he is so wild. Guice pulls up on everything and will but his head under the water. I have thought of posting a video of him in the bath, to document how wild he is. I decided that NeNa and Mimi might suffer heart failure watching their little man thrash around in water :)!
*Guice can climb up the 3 stairs in the house! He is getting very fast and effecient!
*Guice almost always has a fat lip, he bust it all of the time. Such a little boy!
*We have started really looking for a home church. We hope to find one soon and hope that Josh is off to go with us at least part of the time.