Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Such a tiny 8 week old baby! 36 Weeks! What a difference 28 weeks makes!
8 weeks wearing 6-9 month old clothes...
24 month outfit at 9 months!

It is a lot harder to get the pic now!

Our unbelievably sweet, precious, handsome, amazing, so on and so forth baby is 9 months today!! He is pulling up and cruising around on furniture. He has let go a couple of times for just a few seconds. G is into everything. He takes the plugs out of the outlets, so much for child proofing! He has so much personality for such a little guy. He is very funny and loves to laugh! Guice loves Monday, they roll around on the floor together. He is eating much better. But, Guice is not interested in toddler/baby food he wants what we are eating. Emery Jai gave him pizza crust, I took it away and G had a huge fit. That was the beginning of him wanting our food, he is a fast learner:).

We have his check up tomorrow, I will post his stats then. I fully expect him to either not have grown at all or lost a little bit of weight. For two reasons. First, I took him for his last check up only 1 1/2 ago so it has not been that long ago. Secondly, he is on the move! He has been crawling for over 2 months and now that he has added pulling up he is super active.