Tuesday, April 22, 2008

La Leche League International

Today I went a LLLI meeting, it was great! It was very nice to be around other moms with the sames views about breastfeeding. The leader was amazing.. We mostly just talked about what was going on with us and or babies. The majority of moms were new moms with general questions about latch or supply. There were a couple of moms with toddlers. The older Guice gets the more pressure I feel (from others) to switch him to formula and/or wean him at one. It was wonderful to gain encouragement from moms who have nursed their children past one. I am not sure how long I plan on breastfeeding I do know I am committed to nursing until his first birthday and most likely longer. I am leaning towards letting Guice self wean.
At any rate I highly recommend attending a meeting to anyone who is or is planing to breastfeed. The advice is very much geared away from the medical way of thinking and towards a more natural approach.
Here is the link if anyone is interested la leche league.