Friday, January 4, 2008

What A Night!

I took Emery Jai and Guice to the Huckabee watch party last night, we had so much fun! The event was great! Even better He won Iowa! We are so excited for Erica. She has an AMAZING job, if you think about it there are really only a handful of people who have her job. It is a huge accomplishment to be scheduler for a presidential candidate front runner! It is super prestigious! Erica works very hard and is very good at her job. Regardless of my political affiliation I am so proud of her and am in complete support!
Emery Jai & NoNo! E.J. loves her so much, she would not let her out of her sight all night! Guice being politically active!

Emery Jai on the run! Mommy & Guice!

The event center