Friday, January 25, 2008

We had a good time visiting with Josh, we miss him ever so much! We mostly just hung out in the hotel room for a couple of reasons: a) it was freezing 7 degrees! b) there is not a ton to do in Cookville. Emery Jai had fun vegging out, something we hardly ever do. I admit I could tell a huge difference in her behavior with the added junk food and sugar! At one point she was trying to kick down the door. When she would get in trouble she would say "But it's my Happy Birthday!" I wholeheartedly admit that she is a stinker! Guice caught the brunt of her boredom, unfortunately. Even though I think he enjoyed his first hotel experience! Today Emery Jai told me she wanted to live in the hotel, she loved it.

Sweetheart! Nothing like pizza in bed!
What a big boy!

Emery Jai "helping" Guice with a drink of water. My little dinosaur!

Emery Jai checking stuff out! Guice about to crawl of the bed (he is defiantly mobile but hasn't quite mastered crawling).
Hangin' Out!

Sleepy Daddy!