Monday, January 14, 2008


Emery Jai is sleeping all night long for the first time in her life! We are so very excited, it only took just shy of two years! She is still sleeping in our bed for the most part but on occasion she will sleep a couple of hours in her bed (that is located in our room). We are working on slowly transitioning her we do not want it to be upsetting to her in anyway. Emery has almost always slept with us, naps and all. Guice also sleeps in the big bed as we all call it. He naps and everything in it too. Anyway I am so excited to FINALLY be able to say she sleeps all night at her next doctors appointment, they are the only ones who still ask :)!

*i don't have any recent pics of her, she is refusing to have it taken again maybe she will snap out of it soon :)!