Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Pics From The Last Couple Of Days....

Daddy hanging out with the kiddos! So cute!

So tired! A failed attempt at getting Guice to take a bottle of breast milk. Josh & I went to the movies on Christmas Eve we thought we could go for a little date, we were wrong. Guice would not take a bottle for anything he gaged and pushed it away. He went with us to the movie, to our surprise Aunt Mimi and family were there. They held him for most of the time. He was a very good boy at the movies!
On Christmas morning Josh & I sing We Wish You A Merry Christmas to Emery Jai as soon as she wakes up. This year she was in no mood! She covered up with her blanket as we started singing!
Emery Jai & Guyboo!

A little sweeter!
Emery Jai in her Christmas P.J.s!
Eating at Cracker Barrel!