Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas With The Brewers!

Last night we celebrated Christmas with the Brewers, we had a wonderful time. It would have been better if Josh had gotten to attend, he will be here late tonight and I am very much looking forward to it. Emery Jai had a blast! We started talking about the Christmas party earlier in the week and discussed it all day. When anyone would ask E.J. what she was getting she would say a pony. I had to keep telling her she might not get a pony, she might get a doll or some clothes or maybe a book but probably not a pony. I made a point of telling her that no matter what she got she was to say thank you very much after each gift. The highlight of my night (week) was after she opened her first gift she looked up and said "Thank you so much!". It was so sweet. I wasn't entirely sure she would get the whole opening gifts thing but she most certainly did! She even opened Guice's! Emery Jai, Guice, and I had a great time visiting with family. I am sure Emery Jai is counting down until it is time to open more gifts!
My little penguins! Emery Jai & Christmas Tree

Allison & Anna Lee
Opening a gift (it was from NoNo, she got the kids outfits and a book a piece. NoNo gets them a book each year, I think it is so sweet) Still opening
Emery Jai talking on NoNo's blackberry. E.J. was taking care of an urgent scheduling issue :)!
Such cute little penguins (it is a good thing Guice is not delicate)!

Here is Josh a sneak peek at his loot :)!