Sunday, September 30, 2007

Guice Is 2 Months!

Guice is such a wonderful baby! He is so so good. Guice's personality is really starting to show. He is very easy going most of the time. He loves to be held and rocked. Guice is not crazy about going places, he would much rather just be at home. Guice is grasping, reaching for, and "playing" with his toys. Although he doesn't have complete control of his extremities so sometimes he hits himself in the head :). Guice loves for people to sing and talk to him. He tries to talk and sing back. He is a little bit of a mommas boy, when he is upset all he has to do is see me and he will stop crying. It makes Josh so mad. Josh will be signing and rocking him to get him to quiet down all I have to do is walk in the room. Guice is sleeping like a champ! He likes to stay up late, he goes to bed around midnight but he sleeps until 10 a.m.! He only nurses a couple of times during the night.
Guice is nursing like crazy, he is still 100% breastfed no supplementing with formula or cereal. We do not plan on introducing solids until 6 months. The plan is to nurse him until he is at least one. I lost a lot of the baby weight quickly (40lbs), but now I have to eat all of the time to produce enough milk for the piglet. So the weight loss has dropped off. We are taking him for his 2 month checkup tomorrow. I can not wait to see how much he has grown!
These are pics in what was originally going to be Guice's Christmas outfit. We got an incredible deal on it before he was born. We were going to buy a matching dress for Emery Jai, they were to wear the super cute outfits for their Christmas pictures. Mom and I had been looking at the Strasburg outlet for a matching dress. While Mom and Dad were here this weekend I decided it might be a good idea to put Guice's outfit on before we bought E.J.'s just in case. I am glad we did the "big" 6 month outfit is too small! So now we are back to square one with Christmas clothes.
Try to imagine how cute it would be with a shirt and shoes! Look how tight it is around his tummy!

Playing with his fish!