Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Home Alone!

Today was my first day alone with the babies, it did not go so well. Your probably thinking about time, Guice is 3 weeks old. The problem is not staying home with Guice it's Emery Jai. I have mentioned she is a little high drama, right? E.J. expects one on one attention, she has had it her whole life. So today was a sad day for her. At one point she decided she needed to breastfeed. I gave her milk in a big girl cup, she preceded to spit the milk out everywhere including on me. She also decided she needed to take a bink, she has never had a bink Guice doesn't take one either. But regardless today Emery took a bink. Which was fine by me, at least she wasn't screaming. I know it is just going to take sometime to adjust, i just hope the adjustment happens sooner than later!
In retrospect we came out OK. The kids were both fed and semi clean and I think there was less time with crying than without (it might have been 50/50), what more can I expect with a newborn and a 18 month old?

I thought it would be good to post a few cute pics to remind myself just how cute they can be!

What a sweetie!

Showing off for Mrs. Sherry & Uncle Ron Ron,
thanks for her hog shirt she LOVES it!