Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Guice's First Church Service!

This Sunday Guice attended his first church service, we went to NeNa's church. It was an experience to say the least! First it took us forever to get ready, and Guice did not care for his super cute outfit (see pic). Erica met us there thankfully (she comes into play later). I go to the nursery to feed Guice before the service starts. We get in to the sanctuary and Elisha wants to hold him, great. About 10 min. later Guice fills his pants full, it was so so loud. Shane, Elisha, Erica, and I die laughing. Elisha & Shane look like they might puke. Erica takes him out to change him. Emery Jai starts saying, very loudly, poo poo Guice, poo poo Guice, No-no & then she starts wanting Aunt Mimi to get down from the choir loft. Emery is taken to children's church. Erica comes back and Guice has on an outfit that I don't recognize, good reason its not ours. I forgot to pack one. Erica had to get one out of another kids bag, oops! Guice then wants to eat again, I spend the rest of the service in the nursery.

Emery Jai giving love!