Saturday, August 18, 2007

Breaking News....

Guice lost his umbilical cord! I know everyone has been standing by checking the blog hourly for this post :). But it is a huge deal, I am happy that I don't have to A: clean it every diaper change and B: look at it any more, I think it is completely gross. It is sad because he is not so "new" now. I am way more aware of just how fast time flies by when you have little ones. I think if I could have anything in the world it would be that time moved a little bit slower. I want my kids to grow up, I honestly look forward to seeing who they are as adults. I just think it goes by way way to fast. Although I will admit some times time stands still. For example the hour before nap time, the 30 min. before your husband (aka help) gets home from work, when your kid throws a fit in public, the fit might only last a number of seconds but it fells like an eternity!