Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tumble Bumble

Our little monkey took a huge spill today. Emery Jai fell down the stairs! It scared me to death. Emery Jai was chasing Kit Kat, I was cleaning the kitchen. Kit Kat ran up the stairs and Emery Jai followed. When I heard her falling, the sound made me sick to my stomach. I still can not think about it. Tears immediately came to my eyes, I stopped and said a quick prayer before I ran in to the living room. The fall must have knocked her breath out, she wasn't crying. I picked her up and shook her she started screaming like a mad woman. I took her to see Debbie (her nurse practitioner), she sent her for an x-ray of her head and neck. E.J. fought the techs like a wild tiger, they could not believe how strong she is for a baby. Nena had to go in with her, I could not because I am pregnant. When they came out Emery Jai grabbed her bag and started saying bye bye between the sobs, she was ready to leave. Everything checked out great, thankfully. I am truly in a state of gratefulness, it could have been so much worse than a few bumps and scrapes. Nena and I went today and bought a gate (a little late), Emery Jai is running around like nothing happened. She has already tried to climb up the stairs.
I think I am officially out of the running for Mom of the year, two calls to poison control and a huge fall requiring imaging services :)!