Tuesday, April 24, 2007

15 Months Ago...

I could have never guessed how much sheer joy she would bring into our lives. From the moment we found out we were expecting we could not have been happier. We would not have had it any other way, sure it might have been easier if we would have waited a few years, been married longer, and done all the things in a specific order. But what fun would that have been :).
Emery Jai is quite the 15 month old. She loves reading, we read about 2 hours a day. Sometimes I think I am going to lose my voice from reading. She would really like it if her life was a little more like Broadway! She loves singing, dancing, and dressing up. We have about 10 songs that are standard. You MUST sing them when your cooking waffles, giving her a bath, or a number of other daily activities. Her new favorite is Happy Birthday, of course you need to wear the party hat while you sing it. Emery Jai's vocabulary is unbelievable, she has started using two and three words together. If she is in trouble she likes to remind you that shes the baby. She also likes to pick out who changes her poopy diapers, now her favorite person is Pop, so she will go to him and say "Pop I poop-poop", then run to the room to get changed. I think its time to be potty trained!
Everyday with her is so unbelievable, I love watching her grow and learn. I am very grateful to my husband for being so supportive of me staying home to raise our children. I will say I feel much more like a parent now than 15 months ago. Then it was just feeding, changing, and sleeping. Now that the disciplining is taking place,I feel much more like a Mom. She has started challenging boundaries on an hourly basis. It is truly exhausting, much more than 2am feedings. We use time out, it is very effective and has taught her to count! She can count to three all by herself!

Very early in the 36 hour process, later pics we are not so smiley!

Shes here! 9lbs 3.4oz

Indescribable Joy!