Friday, February 29, 2008

Cappy is a cowgirl!

Fun clips of E.J.! When I found out I was having a girl I was so excited, lace, frilly dresses, hair bows, tea parties, I could not have been more wrong! Emery Jai is not into any of that. I tried to introduce her to tea parties a while back the whole time she looked at me like I had lost my mind. She said "I not like it, I want to play!" For E.J. play is moving around. She, so far, is a nonconformist and I love it!

Here is my little cowgirl in action!

FYI, the rope was a gift from Pop. She has actually gotten the rope around Kit Kat! Afterwards we had a very intense conversation about animal cruelty :).

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Emery Jai has taken it upon herself to change her name. She has chosen Cappy. For a couple of days now when I call her by her given name she will correct me, E.J. will say "My name is Cappy!" Last night she told NeNa to call her by her new name. I knew there would come a time that she would not like her name, almost all kids through that. I did not realize it would come so soon. So for now all the time and effort that went into picking out the most perfect name for my little girl is lost. Maybe I could dress it up a bit with a unique spelling, Kapi:)! I am hoping this morning when she wakes up she will prefer her given name!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Recent pics....

Just some recent pics of our little monster..oh, I meant super sweet precious perfect angelic burst of sunshine! I realize these are not the best but it is super hard to get pics of a kid as busy as she is! E.J. is on the move all of the time, constantly into something.
Playing in HER (have i mentioned everything is hers!) playroom!
Waiting on Pop & NeNa to get home! She runs outside to meet them!
Rearranging the furniture! She can move the couch, she braces herself against the wall and pushes!


I could not be more frustrated with Emery Jai Anderson! She is such a little mess. I know all toddlers get into things in the bathroom and need to be watched closely. Emery Jai does one better, she locks the door! That's right my little angel will lock the door by pulling out the drawer closest to the door (this has been going on for months but it has escalated). This way she can pilfer and do as she pleases with no interruptions, other than me ordering her to open the door. Emery Jai will not open the door for anything. I said "Open the door, your going to time out." Emery Jai replied "I not open the door if I go to time out!" It drives me nuts, I can see her getting in to things, playing in my makeup, dumping out whatever, eating toothpaste, putting sunscreen into the potty but I cannot do anything about it! Today when she locked herself in and I finally got her out she had left a nice surprise!

Monday, February 25, 2008

No I didn't forget...

I am no longer doing postings on E.J.'s monthly b-days. I blog about her constantly anyway. In retrospect It wasn't the best thing to get started. Now I am obligated to do it for Guice and any other little ones we may have (yes, we want more for those who missed the less than subtle hint. And no, we are not going to be the Duggars of Tennessee:) I am already bloging about her so I might as well share some of the cute things as of late.
Emery Jai loves to boss. She is forever bossing. If you tell her your the boss she says "No, I am the boss of all stuff."
She is a blog stalker (I have no clue where she gets it:), she has to check on "her blogs" several times a day. She is getting very good at clicking on them. If she clicks on the wrong page she will say "Oh, I got a wrong number." Emery Jai will also say "Lets see what baby Ayden is doing." or "I wonder what Kennedy and Jude are up to, lets check."
Emery Jai is missing her Daddy so very much, yesterday she put her head on my lap and said "I miss my Nashville Daddy."
She is very into "that's mine!" Everything is hers toys, cups, NeNa, EVERYTHING is hers!
*she has been in no mood to have her pic taken so please excuse the lack of photographs:)


We have tried everything to get this kid to eat! Guice is not having any of it. I gave up on baby food and started giving him extremely tiny bites of soft foods, french cut green beans for example. He will not eat it. He will lick them but the second they get in his mouth and he thinks he might swallow it, Guice will start gagging and hacking until he spits it out. Although he will not eat or drink from a sippy cup he will drink from a glass. He loves it! This is a clip from last night, my hope is that he will start to try other things; other than the boob! Last week or so I have tried very hard to get him to take breast milk from a bottle, he refuses. I end up just dumping the milk out, as you know that is liquid gold for breastfeeding moms! I have nursed him every single meal for over 6 months! If he would eat solids it would give me more of a break between feedings (in theory). Or if he would take a bottle I could get some time to myself. I think Guice is on to this, he just doesn't want his Mommy to leave him for a second!

A little under the weather...

Miss Emery Jai caught a viral infection, she has been a sick little girl! Thursday afternoon her fever was 102, and that is with Tylenol given 2 hrs prior! Thankfully NeNa & Pop took turns staying home from work with us on Friday and helping us out. E.J. never gets sick so it is always difficult for me, she looks so pitiful! I thought she just might have to have her first antibiotic ever, I was afraid it was the flu or a strep infection. But E.J. rallied on Saturday and is doing wonderfully. She enjoyed all of the extra attention immensely. She kept saying I am sick as a dog! Emery Jai also liked taking Tylenol, she very rarely gets meds but she loves it. I am so glad it wasn't the flu or anything remotely serious and she recuperated so fast!

Friday, February 22, 2008


Guice was looking hardcore in his hoodie and wanted to give a shout out to all his homies!
Don't let the smile fool you, this kid means business! Forget all of those expensive teething toys G prefers a leather baggage tag!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Guice's First Hair Cut!

Guice had his very first hair cut today, well maybe not so much a cut as a tiny trim! Guice was born with the longest hair, unfortunately all but a few strands fell out. The pitiful amount of hair that was left continued to grow, it was looking very ragged. So today I cleaned it up a bit! I would not have minded it so much if it was long all over, but the way it was growing unevenly made him look like shaggy! This will most likely be his last hair cut for sometime I like longer hair on little boys, no crew cuts for us! It is okay, I am prepared for your long haired hippie kid jokes!His hair is growing in really well now, it is a light red blond color, very very pretty(handsome)!
Look how long!
He looks so much like a little boy!
He loves his new do!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

morning glories!

So So Close!!

Guice is so close to crawling! I just want to give him a little push! Emery Jai isn't sure what she thinks of it yet, he was up on his knees and she went over and sat on him and said "faster pony faster!" In the video you can hear her telling him to crawl. She will walk by and out of the blue say "Crawl Guyboo Crawl!" Things will get very interesting when he can get to "her" toys whenever he wants!

Kids say the cutest things....

NeNa was talking about JoJo when E.J. said "JoJo is sad." NeNa asked why JoJo was sad and E.J. replied "He didn't get much for his birthday." We started laughing so hard! Jody had a birthday right after Emery Jai's, E.J. was confused by the lack of guests and gifts! She thought JoJo had been short changed, Emery Jai loves to talk about her birthday and when she is going to have another.
She poured out Kit Kat's food (she does it all of the time) and said "Kit Kat is going to be sad all day." We told her that pouring out the food was not nice and made Kit Kat sad.
I was trying to be stern and get my point across by giving her a stop that now look. Emery Jai said "Stop looking at me all crazy!" I lost it, I tried not to laugh but come on!!
Emery Jai's new favorite thing to watch is horse racing and bull riding! She talks about it all of the time. She says she needs a fast fast fast horse. When I tell her she has Molly and Levi she says "They are too old and slow, I need a faster horse!" Emery Jai also wants a bucking bull for her next birthday, sure! When she is watching she will say "Kickem' out of the Gate!"
Emery Jai has started calling Guice names, which is not funnny at all! But, when she looks at him and calls him a cow with the meanest face she can muster, it is a little humorous. I can not figure out where she heard this, or why she thinks calling someone a cow is an insult.
She was giving Pop an ultrasound with a tube of chap stick and a sock. This went on for several moments before she announced "Nope, no baby Pop just fat!"
When she is mad she calls me by my first name, Emery Jai also does this when she is mad at Daddy or NeNa. She has started to call me Jessica Brewer when she really wants to get her point across.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kit Kat Clips!

Just some cute clips of Kit Kat and the kiddos! I think Kit Kat is past ready for us to head back to Nashville:)! E.J. says she is taking her with us, Kit Kat would have a nervous break down. I had previously posted the one of Guice and then accidently deleted it. So it is back for your viewing enjoyment!

Odds & Ends!

Emery Jai and Guice have started fighting over toys, fun times! Guice is no longer Mr. Nice-Guy, he is developing his own likes and dislikes. Guice has started to prefer some toys over others, this is bad news for Emery Jai.
Emery Jai was looking outside and said "I need a baby horse out there" I asked "What?", she said "You know a foal"
E.J. was opening a plastic bag to play her favorite game as of lately, grocery shopping. Emery Jai said "Where's its mouth?" when she could not get it opened.
Guice is not eating food and will not take a bottle. He got so sick of me trying to feed him baby food every time he got near the highchair he would scream and yell. When I got him in it he would just scream and sign milk. Looks like I have another late eater.
Emery Jai puts herself in time out now. When she does something wrong she will say "I know time out" then go sit down.
Guice has started to try to pull up, he hasn't mastered crawling yet but is so close!
Emery Jai told me to calm down when I was getting on to her the other day :).
Emery Jai will now announce that she is potty trained or not potty trained. If she is potty trained she will not have an accident all day. If she says she is not trained, have the towels ready! E.J. will potty in the floor all day! When I put a pull up on her she will take it off just to tee tee in the floor.
When Guice wants to be picked up he will sign milk!
Emery Jai says that if she has a horse room and a dog she will sleep in her own bed in Nashville, we shall see about that.
Emery Jai's favorite thing to say is What is _______ doing? She asks what I am doing 100 times if not more a day. She ask what Guyboo is doing, what his pants are doing, what her waffles are doing, what her toes are doing, she will even ask "what is Emery Jai doing?" After about the 500th time it starts to drive me nuts!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

scrub a-dub dub!!

Guice! Emery Jai!
Tub full of babies!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Cali pics!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


E.J.'s BACK!!!

Emery Jai is back in the state of Arkansas! She loved her trip and did a wonderful job flying. The flight attendants even commented on what a good little traveler she was! Emery Jai came running to me in the airport, it was so sweet! The first thing she wanted to do was to hold Guyboo, that almost brought tears to this momma's eyes! It was a long road but I think she might actually like him :)! NeNa took a ton of pics, hopefully I can get them posted tomorrow. We have had a little bit of a tough day, E.J. is adjusting to sharing NeNa with Guice and not having everyone's undivided attention. It is a rough life!


Monday, February 11, 2008

love and such....

I took this from my friends blog, she is an incredibly gifted writer. I am convinced that one day I will be sitting in the Oprah audience as my best friend's book is introduced as Oprah's book clubs next read!
It is a wonderfully touching piece about true love...

And here I am thinking about it all and I wonder. What is romance? Is it all roses and chocolates and jewelry? Or is it committment and self-sacrifice?

Would I prefer a stunning necklace over a strong provider? A gorgeous wedding over a healthy marriage? Pretty pictures over happy memories? I think what I prefer, what I've learned to prefer is the kind of romance that gets overlooked. Romance that is steady and not necessarily breathtakingly beautiful. Constant. A little boring maybe, but real.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

California Girl!

Emery Jai is LOVING CA! She thinks it is the greatest. E.J. did very well on the plane, the take off and landing were her favorite parts. When I talk to her on the phone she says she likes flying and she likes California! She has yet to say she misses me, however she always ask what Kit Kat is doing :)! I cannot wait to see pics!

Sweet Baby Guice!

Milk Please!

Just wanted to share a video clip of Guice signing. It isn't the best example of him using a sign but it will have to work for now! We are in the very early stages of using signs as communication. I think it is amazing that at 6 months Guice can make his need known in a way other than crying! Emery Jai has been "teaching" Guice to sign, she shows him a sign once and then demands "do it guyboo, do it!" It surprises me how many signs E.J. still remembers. I love seeing them resurface and teaching them again.

Guice not wanting to sign....He just wants the goods!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Here We Go Again!

Guice is not eating ANY of his food! I am at a loss, people! I know from experience that I want no part of an 8 month old who only wants breastmilk! It is too much. I am open for suggestions on how to get Guice to eat! I have tried every vegetable and fruit, homemade and a variety of store bought brands. I am desperate! I need this kid to eat food. Please send any and all advice!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I have added music back to my blog. If you hear something other than Martina Mcbride please let me know. The other day Corn was on my play list! I am not sure how that happend, it was just playing crazy songs and I don't know for how long.

Off to California..

Emery Jai left at 5:30 am with NeNa headed to California! She will be gone for a week, I miss her already. I know she will have so much fun and this is wonderful for her! E.J. is so very excited! I am very interested to know how the plane ride went!

Packed & Ready! I do not know if California is ready for this girl!

Cute Kids!

Emery Jai getting married! She put this outfit together all by herself, what an imagination! Were going to the chapel!
Guice playing! He is signing milk now! Emery Jai taking care of some bills!
Being a grownup is hard work!
UMMMM..... peas! Guice is not a fan of baby food! He, like his sister, is not eating it!
Baby in a basket!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Play Time!

Emery Jai & Guice have been very busy enjoying all the gifts! Emery Jai has been a very content and happy girl today :). Although she has said she would like to have another party soon. I would like to thank everyone again for coming and making it a wonderful day!

They could watch the train forever, Guice really loves it.
How cute are they? Singing in the rain.....
She really sings while twirling!

Playing with her kitchen, she has cooked us tons of great food!
Emery Jai and Butterscotch.
E.J.'s kitchen.

Birthday Past......

Emery Jai on her actual birth daySo much love.... 1st party!

She liked the yogurt but she loved the cupcakes :)